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Choice 4- 1 4. Much of the power of this punch comes from your legs, not just your arms. Make sure your elbow is up so you are able to have a better angle of attack around your opponents guard and so that you cover up your chin from counter attacks.

It lacks the power of a hook, but its main advantage its reach. Muay Thai match in Bangkok, Thailand Formal Muay Thai techniques are divided into two groups: mae mai, or major techniques, and luk mai, or minor techniques. It is mainly used as a defensive technique to control distance or block attacks.

- Traditional rope-binding Kaad Chuek made the hands a hardened, dangerous striking tool.

But during the latter half of the last century,. The result of this mix was growth in punching techniques. At present, the current punching techniques can roughly be divided into 8 main types. And these covered in this guide. Please note that the explanations of the punches in this guide are written from the perspective of a conventional fighter. The Jab The jab is the most commonly used punch in boxing and. It can be used for both attack and defence purposes. And, it can be used to setup other combinations and help a fighter to gauge distances. Why is the jab so frequently used? Furthermore, a jab is a great way to counter an aggressive fighter who keeps coming forward, applying pressure on you, and tries to reduce your space and gap. Jabs can be used to set up other punches or moves too. The Straight Punch the cross The straight right or left if you fight orthodox is a power punch. A cross is generally thrown in after the jab, or at the end of the combination. Because the cross is thrown from your rear hand, it takes time for it to connect when compared with the jab. It also must travel furthest too. But this distance, combined with the ability to put weight and rotational power behind the punch, means the. Because the cross is such a powerful punch it can be used to scare your opponents. The Hook The hook is a punch that allows you to attack the sides of your opponent. A poor hooking technique will result in lack pain, lack of power, and in extreme cases a broken wrist. The technique of the hook punch in Muay Thai is the same as in boxing. If you throw a right hook when in right-footed stance your fist will be a few inches behind your lead hand. They are, but they are used less than the left for a conventional fighter. Right hooks are sometimes used when a fighter is stepping forward into the opposite stands, and sometimes used when an opponent comes in close to a fighter and they get inside your guard. Like the cross, the hook is a power punch when mastered. Landed correctly, and to the chin, it can be a match ending punch. Additionally, it allows you throw attacks to the body and kidneys too. The reason is that these other punches follow similar principles. The Uppercut This punch is similar in technique to that of the hook, but the attack angle is upwards and aimed at the chin. The is a sneaky punch. And it can devastate opponents if it makes contact. That sort of impact rattles your brain and can knock you out given sufficient force. The uppercut is not often used as a lead or starting punch. Because of this, the uppercut is usually added behind other punches, combinations and moves. Hiding the uppercut behind other moves makes it hard for your opponent to see the punch, and therefore increasing your chances of contact. Much of the power of this punch comes from your legs, not just your arms. Throwing an uppercut involves bending your legs a little and dipping the shoulders. You then wind down your arm. The arm then arcs upwards whilst simultaneously straightening your legs and lifting your shoulder. The rotational force of the punch, combined with the added power of your legs, shoulder and arm muscles helps create a devastating blow. Like the hook, the uppercut can be a difficult punch for a new student to learn. However, like the hook, the technique is the same in Muay Thai as it is in boxing. So, if you need help head over to YouTube. The Swing The swing is similar in movement to that of a hook, but the arm is kept more outstretched. It lacks the power of a hook, but its main advantage its reach. The swing allows a fighter to cover a long distance when thrown and allows the fighter to attack a person from the side. Often the swing is hidden behind the jab or another punch. This punch is not considered a knockout punch as it lacks power. However, it can be good way to surprise your opponent. This is a great punch to throw to keep your opponent off guard and nervous. It can also be a handy tool for the shorter fighter too as it allows them to close distance. Performed correctly it can contain a lot of power and can easily be a knockout punch. This is an excellent punch to use to use against taller fighters. As it allows you to come over the top their guard and surprise them. One of my favourite combos is to throw this punch after an inside left leg kick. Also, the overhand punch in Thai boxing is like the one in boxing. So, if you need help with the technique head over to YouTube and watch some videos. Spinning Back Fist This is an advance punching technique. The rotational movement, added to the centrifugal force of the spin, give this punch its power. And executed correctly this punch can contain a LOT of power. It will easily knock someone out if it makes contact. So, if you were to throw a left cross when airborne you would stick out your left leg. This can also be a good punch to use if you are fighting against a taller opponent. However, used sparingly it can be a great way to keep an opponent off guard. A good will teach you how to perform these advanced techniques when the time is right. The combinations are endless. If you want to improve any of these techniques at home, then I recommend that you place yourself in a mirror and try them when shadow boxing. This can be a fantastic way to improve between training sessions. I hoped you find this list of Muay Thai punches useful. If you enjoyed this punching guide please sharing it on Facebook, Twitter, etc.

How to Throw a Proper Lead Hook
That means hands up and either side of your face, protecting your chin and upper body. The Hook The hook is a punch that allows you to attack the sides of your opponent. The Jab The jab is the most north used punch in boxing and. The general way to get out of a clinch is to push the opponent's hook up muay thai backward or elbow them, as the clinch requires both participants to be very close to one another. WMC Contender Asia champ. Yodsanklai won the battle by third round fub interruption TKO. Boxe- Thai Guinea tournament 2. The most effective way to get a real understanding of this is to participate in on the fun, the 2nd best means is to see our. May 2013 Muay Thai : มวยไทย, : Muai Thai, pronounced or Thai boxing is a of that caballeros stand-up striking along with various techniques. Elbows can be used to great effect as blocks or defenses against, for example, spring knees, side body knees, body kicks or punches.